Saturday, June 17, 2006

Toa Nuva Go around the world part 3

Grrr still no comments.

Me: why did you say shame shame ?????

Kopaka: your pet is a nui-rama.Not a kini-nui

Me: so I'll change its name to holly nui-rama (hnr)

Kopaka:yes!!!! you won a million bucks



Pohatu breaks the door open:we can win a million dollars on a contest.

At the contest

Joe: welcome to shokem, I'm Joe,

Joe: lets begin with the rules!!! If you get the qestion wrong you get 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 volts of electricaty!!!

The applause light comes on. The crowd and Lewa cheer!!!

Gali:that applause light is ONLY for the crowd


Joe:question one what-

Onua: kechcon


Onua:aaaahhhhh!!!.wait why am I sceaming? I'm a robot



99 hours later......

Joe:question 1 million


Joe: right !!!!!!!

Joe: u are our winner ! you got the most points ! u got 1 point and every one else got zero

Tahu:thats because Onua said kechcon for all the answers , and we diidn't have time to even say a word!!!!!! #^%$#%$%#!@%%$^&*@#$%^&*%@##$%^^%($*W#&%^**&%^$#@!#$%&%^*$&#@%^%W#@$%*&(

everyone exept Tahu: not again

Me and hnr: what was the question Onua got right

Joe: what is ketchup chease and bacon mixed together called


Onua gave me the money

Me:In your face Kopaka


Me:you said I coudn't get a million bucks

Kopaka:Oh yeah

Me:where is Takanuva ? he was not in the game show.

Gali:he's..... in Oh No



Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa! that was some story. I'll need 2 call u 2 understand some of the stuff i didn't get (especially the inside jokes:). talk 2 u soon. lester

8:09 AM  

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