Tuesday, March 28, 2006

CN Tower

I went to the CN Tower, it was fun. We went to the second highest part. We could almost see the entire Toronto. Then we went to the glass floor, you could see through the bottom of the CN tower; I dared myself to jump on the glass while looking down, it was freaky. But my favorite thing was the realistic LEGO ride. That's what I did at the CN tower.

P.S. on the glass floor level there were telescopes, they were 2$ each, and one was broken or something; because you could see through it. A company called STAPLES was far away, but with the telescope it looked close.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Grade 3's v.s Grade 4's

Just to let you know I'm a G3, and in soccer we won against grade 4's. The score was 1-0. I can not believe we won against Grade 4's. I bet they were like,"I can't believe we lost against Grade 3's" :-)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

1 of my favourite T.V cartoon characters

I like him 'cause he is funny and when he drinks Beer he becomes smarter (just to tell you he is not 1% smart if he doesn't drink beer. Beer makes him 3% smarter). A can opener killed his father. But he really likes saying feel my shiny metal ass if anyone annoys him; that is his ultimate weapon

This is Bender from Futurama

Specification: Bender

Made in : 1999

Height: 1.8m (5ft 9 in)

Capabilities: grinds, walks, talks, cooks, fights, smokes, drinks, curses, cheats.

likes: smoking cigars, drinking alcohol

dislikes: working (which he never does)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Joke of the week

what is Moby Dick's favourite food

fish and ships

p.s teeheehee

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

question for bionicle fans

Who would win in a battle aganst Vezok and Hakann.
(c)Tie they both rock

Song-green bananas are the best (sing in Do-Re-Mi tune)

Yellow bananas are the worst
They have lots of cream
They could make your face green
Green bananas are the best
Not made from a bird's nest
Great-to share with your guests
And that's why green bananas are the best
That's why we shall sing this song again!!!

Yellow bananas are the worst
They have lots of cream
They could make your face

Green bananas are the best
Not made from a bird's nest
Great-to share with your guests
And that's why green bananas are the best

And finally this song has ended!!